In Saubere, there was a monster who took the form of a little girl, and at her side was a rabbit  who worked for her benefit. The rabbit used his awesome might to eliminate anyone who would come near the monster with intentions of capturing her.

However, one day the rabbit was taken away from her. Now it is up to her to protect the rabbit from those who seek to harm it.


Kujo (rabbit) comes back to Japan from the war and you both live a few years of peace, until one day you receive a mysterious letter asking you to return to Saubere. Your curiosity gets the better of you and you and Kujo make your way to the given location. Once you get there, you and Kujo decide to look around. Kujo goes one way, and you feel something pulling your attention to a separate room. You walk into that room and there  is a book on the table. You look at the book and realize the book is about necromancy. Its a book that TEACHES necromancy. You shut the book as you hear something crash. You go to look for Kujo to find him missing from a thrashed room. On the floor is another letter that looks much like the one you were given previously. On it, you read: "Monstre Charmant, a monster indeed. If you want your precious rabbit, come and get him.



  • Much like slay the spire.
  • When starting a run, select a starting attack icon (the available options are animated, they move a little)
  • Some cards are single target, these cards you will want to drag to the target to use it.
  • Drag the other cards to the level area to play them 


This was created as a submission for Jame Gam #40.  It  takes inspiration from slay the spire and the anime series GOSICK.

It is my second game and I didn't realize the amount of work this type of game would be. Now I know :D. I learned a lot doing this one. Thanks for playing it. 



  • Development: aed0nis
  • Art: aed0nis
  • Music by OB-LIX from Pixabay
  • SFX: @danielsoundsgood
  • Partical FX: Raphael Hatencia

Special Thanks to  GodotGameLab

Updated 25 days ago
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreCard Game
Made withGodot
Tags2D, Pixel Art


Download 51 MB
Version 1.0.2 29 days ago

Development log


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(1 edit)

Hey, great work on the game.
Artwork is decent though nothing to write home about.
While it's relatively simple in mechanics (obviously I'm not expecting slay the spire level complexity, but still) - it's still executed well, well done!

Thanks for playing!

Super cool. Wish the boss was harder

I agree. I think it needs a rework. thanks for playing. 

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